Inactivated Polio and Rabies Vaccines; Stimulate the Immune System to Protect the Body from Infection
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While, rabies vaccine is an inactivated vaccine prepared either in human diploid cell culture or in purified chick embryo cell culture. However, there is no single-dose rabies vaccine which can provide lifelong immunity, they only provide immunity for a limited period of time. Two rabies vaccines are available in the United States. Both vaccine contain inactivated rabies virus. HDCV vaccine (Imovax, Sanofi) is produced in human diploid cell culture and PCECV vaccine (RabAvert, Novartis) is produced in chick embryo cell culture.
Inactivated polio vaccine is an injectable vaccine that provides protection in the blood and help strengthen the protection given by oral poliovirus vaccines (OPVs) and helps increase overall protection against polio. Rabies vaccine is used to prevent infection caused by the rabies virus. The vaccine works by causing the body to produce its own antibodies against the rabies virus. Human diploid cell rabies vaccines are inactivated vaccines made using the attenuated Pitman-Moore L503 strain of the virus.
The vaccines are inactivated or killed in different ways to reduce infectivity in order to avoid vaccine infections. An inactivated vaccine is one that uses a killed virus or bacteria to stimulate the immune system to protect the body against infection. When entire dose of inactivated polio and rabies vaccines is administered, the body elicits an immune response against the disease causing micro-organisms or viruses. Inactivated polio and rabies vaccines are most commonly used inactivated vaccines against polio and rabies.
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