Smart Mining Technologies Are Increasingly Becoming More Popular And Advanced With Growing Technological Development

Smart mining is a procedure that utilizes information, autonomy, and technology for obtaining improved safety, reduce operational costs, and for gaining better productivity for a mine site.

                             Smart Mining

Smart mining is a procedure that utilizes information, autonomy, and technology for obtaining improved safety, reduce operational costs, and for gaining better productivity for a mine site. There are numerous benefits of smart mining. For one thing, mine operations are more efficient, resulting in lower operating costs. Furthermore, smart mines require less maintenance and human labor. The use of wireless technology enables mine operators to save on expensive cable and human labor, and smart sensors help to avoid costly safety incidents.

In smart mining the use of big data automation optimizes the mining process. By analyzing large amounts of data, machines can easily find more complex deposits. With the help of advanced analytics and simulation modeling, Goldspot Discoveries Corp. has the potential to add USD 11 billion to the mining sector. Moreover, AI-powered mining can help detect a wider range of materials, such as sand or coal. It also helps in reducing downtime. The use of big data automation can also save time on logistics. Wipro's SMART mining solution includes architectural components, digital use cases, and cloud-based software. It considers the use of the Cloud for critical processes, including those with high latency. It is designed to optimize the mining process while ensuring safety. This solution also improves productivity.

While AI is becoming more sophisticated, its limitations are also apparent. Currently, humans are necessary to manage mining equipment and oversee site operations. However, with the rise of automation, companies need a way to avoid this. The use of autonomous hauling trucks is one example. With the help of AI, mining companies can detect negative patterns in employee behavior and recommend corrective training. This will improve their overall safety. However, these mining operations can't achieve their goals without the right technologies.

Advanced Smart Mining technologies help minimize risks and damages during mining operations. By integrating IoT, mining operations can communicate data in real-time. They can also keep workers safe by monitoring their health. Sensors attached to clothing can track worker health and transmit alerts in the case of an accident. This means that the workforce won't be exposed to dangerous environments or even accidents. Smart Mining solutions will be vital for the future of the mining industry. In June 2020, China Mobile Limited launched the country’s first 5G smart coal mine at Xinyuan Coal mine of Yangquan Coal Industry Co., Ltd. in Shanxi province.


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